About The Library
“Books are Keys to Wisdom’s Treasure; Books are friends, come, let us Read”
A little library, growing larger every year, is an honorable part of a man’s history. It is a man’s duty to have Books. The mission of Library is to support the intellectual pursuits of the college community by providing a gateway to the wealth of information. There are spacious, automated libraries - one specifically catering to the Diploma students and other for the Under Graduates.
Library Collection
After collecting recommendation from various departments Heads every year the college library has added the latest editions of text books and reference books.
At present the SDPP Library has totally 1110 titles, 5668 volumes, 04 international journals, 31 National journals,
At present the SDPP Library has two E-Journals
Library Timing
The Library is kept open from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm.
Librarian Information
Mr. Narendra G Patel (B.Sc, M.A, M LI SC)
Mo - 9904537696